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Arizona - New Mexico Chapter

Montana State University - 1. NRSM350 - Coniferous forest

Families: 25.
Genera: 33.
Species: 35.
Total Taxa: 36.

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Rocky Mountain Maple, PNC
tufted hairgrass, PNC
alpine timothy, PNC
timothy, PIC
spike trisetum, PNC
Oregongrape, PNE
mountain brome, PNC
elderberry, PNC
False dandelion, PNC
St.Johns wort, PIW
red-osier dogwood, PNC
elk sedge, PNC
california oatgrass, PNC
timber oatgrass, PNC
Parry oatgrass, PNC
buffaloberry, PNC
pine dropseed, PNW
mountain muhly, PNW
huckleberry, PNC
Richardson geranium, PNW
wax currant, PNC
oniongrass, PNC
muttongrass, PNC
tall larkspur, PNW
snowbrush, PNE
shrubby cinquefoil, PNC
oceanspray, PNC
wildrose, PNC
quaking aspen, PNC
heartleaf arnica, PNC
Columbia needlegrass, PNC
slender wheatgrass, PNC
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